Business Loans In Canada: Financing Solutions Via Alternative Finance & Traditional Funding

Business loans and finance for a business just may have gotten good again? The pursuit of credit and funding of cash flow solutions for your business often seems like an eternal challenge, even in the best of times, let alone any industry or economic crisis. Let’s dig in.

Since the 2008 financial crisis there’s been a lot of change in finance options from lenders for corporate loans. Canadian business owners and financial managers have excess from everything from peer-to-peer company loans, varied alternative finance solutions, as well of course as the traditional financing offered by Canadian chartered banks.

Those online business loans referenced above are popular and arose out of the merchant cash advance programs in the United States. Loans are based on a percentage of your annual sales, typically in the 15-20% range. The loans are certainly expensive but are viewed as easy to obtain by many small businesses, including retailers who sell on a cash or credit card basis.

Depending on your firm’s circumstances and your ability to truly understand the different choices available to firms searching for SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE options. Those small to medium sized companies ( the definition of ‘ small business ‘ certainly varies as to what is small – often defined as businesses with less than 500 employees! )

How then do we create our road map for external financing techniques and solutions? A simpler way to look at it is to categorize these different financing options under:

Debt / Loans

Asset Based Financing

Alternative Hybrid type solutions

Many top experts maintain that the alternative financing solutions currently available to your firm, in fact are on par with Canadian chartered bank financing when it comes to a full spectrum of funding. The alternative lender is typically a private commercial finance company with a niche in one of the various asset finance areas

If there is one significant trend that’s ‘ sticking ‘it’s Asset Based Finance. The ability of firms to obtain funding via assets such as accounts receivable, inventory and fixed assets with no major emphasis on balance sheet structure and profits and cash flow ( those three elements drive bank financing approval in no small measure ) is the key to success in ABL ( Asset Based Lending ).

Factoring, aka ‘ Receivable Finance ‘ is the other huge driver in trade finance in Canada. In some cases, it’s the only way for firms to be able to sell and finance clients in other geographies/countries.

The rise of ‘ online finance ‘ also can’t be diminished. Whether it’s accessing ‘ crowdfunding’ or sourcing working capital term loans, the technological pace continues at what seems a feverish pace. One only has to read a business daily such as the Globe & Mail or Financial Post to understand the challenge of small business accessing business capital.

Business owners/financial mgrs often find their company at a ‘ turning point ‘ in their history – that time when financing is needed or opportunities and risks can’t be taken. While putting or getting new equity in the business is often impossible, the reality is that the majority of businesses with SME commercial finance needs aren’t, shall we say, ‘ suited’ to this type of funding and capital raising. Business loan interest rates vary with non-traditional financing but offer more flexibility and ease of access to capital.

We’re also the first to remind clients that they should not forget govt solutions in business capital. Two of the best programs are the GovernmentSmall Business Loan Canada (maximum availability = $ 1,000,000.00) as well as the SR&ED program which allows business owners to recapture R&D capital costs. Sred credits can also be financed once they are filed.

Those latter two finance alternatives are often very well suited to business start up loans. We should not forget that asset finance, often called ‘ ABL ‘ by those Bay Street guys, can even be used as a loan to buy a business.

If you’re looking to get the right balance of liquidity and risk coupled with the flexibility to grow your business seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of business finance success who can assist you with your funding needs.

US Markets in green on Friday; Dow 30 up over 345 points, Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500 up nearly 1%

US Markets were trading in the green on Friday with Dow 30 trading at 30,678.80, up by 1.14%. While S&P 500 was trading at 3,701.66, up by 0.98% and Nasdaq Composite 10,690.60 was also up by 0.71 per cent

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US Markets in green on Friday; Dow 30 up over 345 points, Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500 up nearly 1%
Earlier today, Indian stock markets ended the week on a winning note. It was the sixth straight gains for equity markets. Source: Reuters
US Markets were trading in the green on Friday with Dow 30 trading at 30,678.80, up by 345.25 points or1.14 per cent. While S&P 500 was trading at 3,701.66, up by 35.88 points or 0.98 per cent and Nasdaq Composite 10,690.60 was also up 75.75 points or 0.71 per cent. A Reuters report said that today’s strength was on the back of a report which said the Federal Reserve will likely debate on signaling plans for a smaller interest rate hike in December, reversing declines set off by social media firms after Snap Inc’s ad warning.

Source: Comex

Nasdaq Top Gainers and Losers

Source: Nasdaq

Earlier today, Indian stock markets ended the week on a winning note. It was the sixth straight gains for equity markets. The BSE Sensex ended at 59,307.15, up by 104.25 points or 0.18 per cent from the Thursday closing level. Meanwhile, the Nifty50 index closed at 17,590.00, higher by 26.05 points or 0.15 per cent. In the 30-share Sensex, 13 stocks gained while the remaining 17 ended on the losing side. In the 50-stock Nifty50, 21 stocks advanced while 29 declined.

Why Your Business Needs Digital Marketing Services

Modern world screams technology from every angle, people are well occupied with their busy and demanding schedules, and don’t have time to look out for different brands, products and upcoming projects through the means of offline marketing, such as: paper-based newspapers, books, communication methods and traditional TV and radio broadcasts. In the current scenario internet and mobile phones are the most picked method to share any information, so when the term Digital Marketing is discussed, customers can access the information any time and any place as per their convenience. Internet and globalization have shrunk the world to an axis point, where people from all over the globe can access the information via computers, tablets or mobiles. Digital marketing is indeed a blessing for the business owners, where they can influence the image of their companies via digital marketing and can reach up to a larger chunk of customers globally.You Should Do Digital MarketingIn the era of technology, where Smartphone rules our life, we feel bound to access the product details online only through, mobiles, computers or tablets. A business turns does not mean the huge traffic on the product website, but that traffic converting to leads or boosting the sales. Online Marketing, is a tool which works on your customer’s psychology with the attractive content, ads followed by various other marketing tactics, Digital Marketing tools and techniques provide business owners the best chances for competition, survival and even for the business boost.Asking Price The first and the foremost reason to opt for digital marketing is, but obviously the cost-factor, which is quite economical, being compared to traditional offline marketing methods. To illustrate the fact a TV ad or newspaper advertisement can cost huge and with no guarantee of being noticed by everybody, on the contrary an email or social media campaign, can reach out to a mass population globally. Reliable Customer’s FeedbackAnother benefit, which really suits the need of the business, is the real-time and reliable customer feedback and reviews to upgrade the services with time. With digital marketing pattern business owners don’t need to spend excessively on surveys and customers’ feedback, but the unbiased information can be attained through internet marketing and ultimately win the customer’s trust. The better revenue growth expectancy of either small or medium enterprises can extend to 4 times much better by using digital marketing techniques, since it lets the product available to go larger and farther reaching markets both locally and abroad.Brand RecognitionOnline Marketing proves beneficial for the brand reputation, with satisfied customers and their real-time feedback, business owners can reach to other potential set of customers. This helps the business owners to make the brand reputation go viral as expected, further opening new doors of opportunities for reaching bigger markets and attain business growth.Conversion OptimizationSince the current era is turning more digital, than people do have the access over their gadgets at every time and business owners can remain available with their product, regardless of their time-zone restrictions and ultimately a larger reach to the consumers would lead to conversion, because the consumer would get what they are looking for a per their convenience. Without conversion, all the traffic would mean nothing and all the other marketing efforts would end in despair. This is the sole reason, why business owners put more efforts towards the digital marketing campaigns.Key Digital Marketing ToolsDigital Marketing can be done in various ways, below mentioned are a few of the major keys, although with the upcoming innovative technology methods, more would be added to this list.

Websites and SEO content


Internet banner ads

Online video content

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Email marketing

Social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

Mobile marketing (SMS, MMS, etc.)
When a customer walks into a shop, the first step he/she follows is to inspect the product and then might leave without buying anything. Undeniably a larger number only come and go and very small groups make a buy. Even if the product website receives tons of website visitors daily or weekly, but none of them ever convert, then it’s alarming, because it leads to clear indication that the business will also cease to exist. Digital Marketing helps the business owners to utilize the tried and tested marketing tactics, which not just attract the superfluous traffic, but highly potential target traffic and would ensure the survival of the business.